
I am currently a Flying Faculty at the University of Birmingham (visiting our campus at Dubai, U.A.E., quite often).

During academic year 2021 - 2022 I was on sabbatical leave as a JSPS Fellow working at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo.

Higher Education

09/2023 - Present:
BSc Computer Science (University of Birmingham)

30432: LI Security and Networks (DB Lead and Instructor)
30427, 32594: LI Team Project (AI) (DB Lead and Instructor)
37083: LH Security of Real-World Systems (DB Lead and Instructor)
30403: LC Data Structures and Algorithms (DB Lead and Instructor)
26581, 26587, 26586, 30433: Computer Science Project 2023-24 (Supervisor)
MSc Project (Supervisor)

09/2022 - 05/2023:
BSc Computer Science (University of Birmingham)
MSc Data Science

30432: LI Security and Networks (DB Lead and Instructor)
30427, 32594: LI Team Project (AI) (DB Lead and Instructor)
32245: LM Storing and Managing Data (DB Lead and Instructor)
30436: LH Advanced Networking (DB Lead and Instructor)
26581, 26587, 26586, 30433: Computer Science Project 2022-23 (Supervisor)
24055: LI Computer Science Industrial Placement (Supervisor)
MSc Project (Supervisor)

09/2016 - 09/2021:
BSc Cyber Security and Digital Forensics (UWE Bristol).

UFCFP4-30-1: Computer Crime and Digital Evidence (Lead)
UFCFC5-15-3: Forensic computing practice
UFCFJ6-30-2: Security and forensic tools
UFCFM5-30-3: Information Systems Dissertation
UFCFXK-30-3: Digital systems project
UFCFE6-15-3: Professional experience
UFCFRB-15-3: Security management in practice
UFCFW5-30-2: Mobile and Embedded Devices
UFCFTK-30-1: Introduction to Databases
UFCFB3-30-1: Web programming

Academic Personal Tutor for “BSc(Hons) Forensic Computing and Security” 1st year UG students.

01/2018 - Present:
MSc Cyber Security (UWE Bristol).

UFCFXN-15-M: Cyber Security Futures Emerging Trends and Challenges.
UBLLY7-60-M: Dissertation.
UFCF9Y-60-M: Csct masters project.

10/2012 - 01/2015:
Teaching Assistant at University of Bristol

COMSM1500: Systems Security (UG, PG)
COMSM1201/1211: Programming in C (PG, PG Advanced Courses)
COMS10002: Programming and Algorithms I (UG)
COMS20700: Databases (UG, PG)

Summer Schools

  • 13/07/2023: IPICS2023 - Intensive Program in Cyber Security: business and technical perspectives
    Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools

  • 18/07/2014: IPICS2014 - Intensive Programme on Information & Communication Security
    Mobile authentication mechanisms and attacks
    Steganography and forensic steganalysis in JPEG using Benford’s law

  • 15/07/2015: IPICS2015 - Intensive Programme on Information & Communication Security
    Mobile Authentication Mechanisms and Attacks


2020-2021: YouTube PlayList: Mini DF-Seminars Series (UWE Bristol)